Life Isn't Just Suffering, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
I've found a very nice work about Life... Mainly explaining an odd but quite traditional translation/interpretation of the first Buddhist (Noble) Truth: "Life is suffering", here some parts of it:
..."According to Genesis, this was the first question that occurred to God after he had finished his creation: had he done a good job? He then looked at the world and saw that it was good. Ever since then, people in the West have sided with or against God on his answer, but in doing so they have affirmed that the question was worth asking to begin with"...
And after explaining what the First Noble Truth means to him: suffering like clinging to body and feelings, he reckons that
..."The real question we face is not God's question, passing judgment on how skillfully he created life or the world. It's our question: how skillfully are we handling the raw stuff of life? Are we clinging in ways that serve only to continue the round of suffering, or are we learning to hold to the ladder-like qualities that will eliminate craving and ignorance so that we can grow up and not have to cling."
For those who have not idea about the Buddhism's Noble Truths, here they are (in a more comprehensible translation):
- Suffering exists in Life
- Suffering arises from attachment (clinging) to desires
- Suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases
- Detachment from desire is possible by practicing the Eightfold Path...
The odd but traditional translation/interpretation of the Four Noble Truths is:
1.Life is Suffering
2.Suffering has a Cause
3.This Cause can be eradicated
4.There is a method to eradicate the Cause of suffering.
April 05, 2006
"Suffering arises from attachment (clinging) to desires"
"attachment" is not entirely appropriate word. Dependence from your desire makes you suffering
April 10, 2006
to jet:
the point, as i see it, is that any attachment to a disire will eventually cause suffereing... So the point is not to attach to any desire at all...
October 01, 2006
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